At our Boise ATV Trail Riders February Meeting, the question came up about the requirement of carrying an Idaho (OHV) Education Certification (Idaho CARD) and/or the Oregon ATV Safety Education Card (Oregon CARD) while riding in Oregon. Hopefully, the summary, information and links below will answer your questions.
***Basically, while riding in Oregon, you MUST either have an Idaho CARD or an Oregon CARD, period!! So, if you are planning to ever ride in Oregon and don’t have an Idaho CARD, better take Oregon’s free on-line course and get a CARD! Popular places that we ride in Oregon are Jordan Craters, Leslie Gulch and Succor Creek. Don’t be caught without your CARD while riding in Oregon!
In Idaho, the OHV Education Certification (Idaho CARD) is required for unlicensed operators under the age 16. This means if you don’t have an Idaho driver’s license, you need to be carrying this Idaho CARD to ride on Forest Service Roads.
- To obtain Idaho’s CARD, you must attend Idaho State Department of Parks & Recreation’s (IDPR) OHV hands-on training class. This class is available from ages 6 and up! Local dates for next three months for IDPR’s OHV Training: Mar 26-Eagle, Apr 2-Emmett, Apr 16-Mtn Home, Apr 26 Emmett, Apr 30-Emmett, May 7-Boise, and May 10-Nampa. For copy of schedule, click on this link: IDPR’s 2016 Schedule of Training Classes.
- If you are under the age of 18, you must wear a helmet whether you are the operator or passenger of an ATV, UTV, or motorbike in Idaho no matter where you ride. IC 49-666
- If you are under the age of 16, you must carry this card at all times when riding on US Forest Service roads. IC 49-302(11)a
- For operation on State and Federal roads, unlicensed operators must be supervised by a licensed adult operator. Supervised means within the ability to provide direct support when riding or within 300 feet when in a recreation on the ground area. IC 49-301 & 49-302
- If you have this Idaho CARD, you can legally ride your OHV in Oregon because it is reciprocal state. However, you MUST carry the Idaho CARD while riding in Oregon. If under age 18, must wear helmet in Oregon!
- For more information about Idaho’s program, click on this link: Idaho Department of Parks & Recreation or call Boise 208-334-4199. OHV Idaho Requirements
OPTIONAL – Idaho’s On-line OHV Courses-$29.95: If you don’t attend the IDPR’s hands-on training, you can take an Idaho on-line course on Safe and Responsible OHV Operation which is approved by the Idaho Department of Parks & Recreation. You sign up for free; take unlimited exam attempts, as needed to pass; and then pay $29.50 when completed. Here is the link to the Idaho’s approved on-line course.
Note from IDPR: There are two institutions that provide OPTIONAL on-line training, both charge $29.95. Each is individually managed by that organization and get the entire $29.95 whether it be Fresh Air Educators or Kalkomey Enterprises. If a student completes the on-line training they are still required to complete a skills session in the field with an IDPR instructor.
Idaho All-Terrain Vehicle Manual – This printed Manual is used in the hands-on IDPR ATV training. Attendees are tested on this information. If you want to know to operate your ATV safely, how to ride up and down hill correctly, how to traverse a slope, how to turn and transfer your weight, how to ride over logs, etc., this is a great reminder to those of you who have ridden for a long time; and a great guidebook for those who are just getting started in riding an ATV! It is an easy to read, has lots of illustrations and pictures! If you want a copy of the Manual, you can pick one up at the Idaho Department of Parks & Recreation; or you will receive a copy when you take the hands-on training!
IDPR Hands-on Training Classes: By the way, whether your are a seasoned rider or beginner, and you just bought an ATV, taking this class is a great way to learn how to operate your new machine with confidence. This is also a great class for not only the young riders, but also the ladies! I took the class when I bought different ATV…sure helped me understand my new machine, and the experience helped build the confidence in what I could do with it! Here is a link to IDPR’s Training Schedule.
In Oregon, as of 2014, ALL riders in Oregon are required to take an approved Oregon ATV Safety Course and carry the Oregon ATV Safety Education CARD (Oregon CARD) with them while riding on public lands. Oregon CARD does NOT expire.
- If you have an Idaho CARD, you can ride in Oregon without taking the Oregon course because it is a reciprocal state and recognizes Idaho’s CARD. You must carry the Idaho CARD while riding in Oregon.
- If you DO NOT have an Idaho CARD, then you must obtain and carry the Oregon ATV Safety Education CARD.
- If under age 18, you must wear a helmet in Oregon.
- For more information about Oregon’s program, click on the following links: Oregon Permits, Oregon OHV Guide or Oregon ATV Training
Oregon’s On-line OHV Course-Free: To obtain the Oregon CARD, you must take Oregon ATV Safety Card free On-Line Course: To start Oregon’s online course, click the following link: (The course will take a couple of hours on-line.) E veryone, no matter what age, must have their card by January 1, 2014.
OPTIONAL: Oregon’s On-line OHV Courses-$29.95: Links to two OHV on-line classes you can take for a fee upon completion. If a student completes the on-line training they are still required to complete a skills session in the field with an Oregon instructor.
- Fresh Air Educators, Inc., Ontario Canada adds professional narration, animation and video.
- Kalkomey Enterprises, Inc., Dallas TX adds professional narration, animation and video.
***Thanks to the following people in helping to verify the information in this article: Jim Maxey, Boise ATV Trail Riders; Rich Gummersahl, Idaho Department Parks & Recreation; and Bill Jones, Boise ATV Trail Riders. — P Jones