Boise Trail Riders LogoThe following documents describe the Membership and Treasurer processes, and various documents are used by the Membership Committee.

BATRC Membership Database:  Quinn Fisher created a separate webpage for our Membership Database in 2012.  All Board members can view this information. Only the Membership Committee and Web Admins are allowed to change the membership data.  Please do not change any information.  A username and password has been given to all Board members and Membership Committee.  If you are a new Board member and have not received this information, please contact a Web Admin.

In addition to viewing the membership list, Board members can download a list of ACTIVE and/or INACTIVE members via an Adobe PDF file or Excel file.  Built in reports on number of members, type of memberships (i.e. Family, Individual), volunteer activities (what members can do to help), etc.  can be accessed.  Search fields are available to locate a member.  It is recommended that the Board and Membership Committee attend training on how to access the database.  This information is private and should NEVER be shared with anyone outside the Club.